Tarzan and Tanya’s story on Valentine’s Day
ADI has been full steam ahead on building our new ADI Wildlife Sanctuary in South Africa since we
purchased the property last August. So far, we have built 12 enclosures, planted trees, built brick
night houses and platforms/shelters for the cats to see the views. We received our permit to operate the
sanctuary and have permission for all of our large cats. By the end of this year, our sanctuary will be
home to over 40 big cats, rescued from circuses. See our progress at:
At the same time, ADI has been working this past year with Guatemala’s wildlife and animal welfare
officials on enforcement of their country’s ban on animal circuses. We have rescued 21 lions and tigers
so far, who are being cared for and prepared for export at our Temporary Rescue Center in Guatemala.
NYC votes to end wild animal circuses!
Congratulations New York City! As of tonight’s vote, wild animal circuses are consigned to history in
NYC. Years of persistent campaigning and especially the work of CM Mendez has finally won through and we
have the vote that just makes sense. Traveling circuses have no place in modern society.
Steady progress across the US over past few years has seen the number of jurisdictions making the change
rapidly increase – now over 70 – joining nearly 40 countries around the globe whose governments have
decided that it is time for the suffering in the name of entertainment to end.
A good day for animals.
Now support TEAPSPA – the Traveling Exotic Animal and Public Safety Protection Act in Congress. Let’s
get this DONE.
here to view video
What I love about this 60 Minutes show, is that the producers took the time to understand what it takes
to get to the point where we can empty an entire country of all its circus animals. A decade of work
involves the undercover investigations to gather evidence; the public education to spark and define the
laws; intense work with government officials to plan and execute seizures of illegal animals. In under
15 minutes, 60 Minutes covers the whole story including the joyous finale where the lions return to
their native land.
Without the investigations, scientific, legal and economic research, public education campaigns and new
laws to protect animals, there are no rescues. Rescuing every circus animal in Peru, and taking the
first nine of the now-outlawed Colombian circus animals, was a huge achievement. Just as we did in
Bolivia (see ‘Lion Ark’ http://www.lionarkthemovie.com/).
The changes must be permanent, we must ensure the captive animals can never be replaced.
These rescues have educated governments, officials and the public to see these animals in a new light –
intelligent, emotional individuals, lovers of their families and freedom to live as they choose, in
their natural environment. Understanding their place on our shared planet.
There is more to do. More countries need help to make this happen.
Please help investigations–education–awareness leads to animal protection laws = rescues = lasting
Watch CBS 60 Minutes and help us do more–
Donate US $ http://bit.ly/1TjatPq
Donate UK £ http://bit.ly/1WXaj5X
Donate via Paypal & Euros http://bit.ly/29BldiH
Finally, a huge and heartfelt THANK YOU to all the amazing, generous ADI supporters whose
donations made this happen, and very SPECIAL THANKS to Bob Barker and the DJ&T Foundation, and The
Greater Good.
Lions speak on 60 Minutes, and animal circus news
2017 so far, has been about giving animals their voice – spectacled bear Dominga gave voice on her
arrival in her new forest home in Peru (number 109 on the Spirit of Freedom rescue, pictured). She is
now next door to spectacled bears Cholita, Lucho and Sabina.
In the UK, I attended a meeting with the Prime Minister’s team on animal circuses and the ivory trade on
the very same day that yet another Private Member Bill on animal circuses (similar to the government’s
bill) was blocked. The five-year wait for the government bill to be introduced is shameful and
embarrassing. 95% of the British public are in support and for the 2015 General Election, all major
parties promised a wild animal circus ban. Thus 98% of MPs stood on a manifesto promise to end the use
of wild animals in mobile shows. In the next two weeks, together with ADI VP Tim Phillips, I’ll be
presenting our film Lion Ark in the Italian Parliament and then we will be in the US for the
introduction of a bill in the US Congress. Check out our 60 minute interview!